A Spiritual Adventure

“The Church welcomes the lenten spring with a spirit of exultation. She greets the time of repentance with the expectancy and enthusiasm of a child entering into a new and exciting experience. The tone of the church services is one of brightness and light. The words are a clarion call to a spiritual contest, the invitation to a spiritual adventure, the summons to a spiritual feat.”


  • Fr. Thomas Hopkp, “The Lenten Spring”


On our March FWL podcast, we dove into Lent! Specifically, we explored the perspective of lent as a “spiritual adventure.” It is an episode filled with practical tips and mindset shifts to help us enter more fully into this beautiful season of repentance. 


We began with a conversation on Tolkien. I’ve been listening to “The Hobbit” and have found many parallels between Bilbo’s adventure and my own lenten spiritual adventure. These parallels are helping me embrace the challenges of our increased ascetical efforts with gratitude and enthusiasm. 


During our Healthy Body segment, Cynthia talked about “cycle menus.”  Looking at Lent as 42 weeks of meals can get overwhelming.  Yet, when we create only three menu plans to cycle through, it seems much more doable.  All you need are 12 main dishes, which will allow you to also eat leftovers.  Tune in to hear how Molly and Cynthia approach their meal planning differently. 


During the meal planning segment we also shared some of our favorite recipes and brands, which we wanted to make available to anyone interested, so we are including them in this week’s blog post! Click HERE to listen to our March episode then come back to this post for some additional resources! 

https://chiasmash.com/products/strawberry-chia-smash (Molly’s favorite jam)

https://www.lajollatortilleria.com (Non-GMO corn and Gluten Free Items!)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QPW5D4S/ref=syn_sd_onsite_desktop_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aref=cudHGnFnxB (Coconut Milk)

Olympia’s Balance as a Bluebird tea from St. Basil Specialty & Medicinal Teas!


Use discount code newyearnewtea15 for 15% off!

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